Friday, July 22, 2011


I have just recieved this email from Sis. Monson. She isn't sure who sent it to her, but asked me to post this:

Hi Guys & Gals,

I'm sending this to people I think might be interested. I apologize if you aren't or if you get this more than once.

There is a company looking at bringing an order of pears to distribute in this area. I don't have all the details, but I believe they are from Oregon, they are Bartlett's, will be about 65 cents a pound - depending on how large the order is - and delivered Aug. to Sept. You would need to be available - or find someone who is - to pick them up at a designated time and place.

They asked me to see if there is enough interest to add the Tri-Cities to their route. If you are interested please reply back to me with how many boxes you would intend to purchase. They are about 40 pounds each. I need to know by July 21st and orders and payment will need to be received by Aug. 1st if there are enough boxes ordered.

If we have enough interest then I will collect money - all boxes will be prepaid. Please pass this on to others you know in the area.


If you are interested, then please call Luetta as I don't have any contact info for this person. But who doesn't like pears??? Lol

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