Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just Received from Stake Humanitrian Specialist...

Sisters as you know we are trying to help support the churches humanitarian project to make twin & larger size quilts!!
I have been asked about Store purchased Blankets & quilts are they OK to donate to the churches Humanitarian program & the answer is YES!!
Purchased blankets are Ok to Donate as long as they are new! So if you come across a good deal & would like to donate that way instead of making a quilt DO IT!! The cut & tie no sew fleece blankets are not accepted by Salt Lake. I hope this helps! Thanks for all your service!

Emergency Preparedness Activity Tonight!!!!

Don't forget about the Relief Society activity tonight at Jan Barron's house at 7pm. I am sooooo excited to see Jan's kits! She has some great ideas to help us get prepared for emergencies!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

From Lynette Pierce.... sept 17th Stake Humanitarian Day!

As you may have noticed the school supplies are showing up at the stores!!!! So when you see those good deals don't pass them up Buy Them!!! The following items we will donate to the Churches Distribution Center, we will also be donating to our local schools!!!

· unsharpened pencils

· rubber pencil eraser - approximately 1x2 inches

· blunt nosed scissors with metal blades

· pencil sharpener

· straight edge ruler - 12 inches, with metric

· Glued or spiral bound notebooks with lined sheets, 8 x 10 1/2,

or 8 1/2 x 11 inches

· 1 set assorted colored pencils

at least 12 per set, approximately 7 inches long

You do not have to buy everything on the list you can buy 50 pencils & 20 rulers or what ever you would like to donate!!

You can bring by donations to my home any time!! If I am not home you may leave them on my front porch!

We will be having a Stake Relief Society Humanitarian Day on Sept 17th!! This will wrap up our school supply drive!! So mark your calendars it will be from 10am -10pm so you can come and go as needed!!!
We will be working on School Kit Bags (bring your sewing machines), quilts & file folder games!!!

Lynnette Pierce
Stake Humanitarian Specialist


I have just recieved this email from Sis. Monson. She isn't sure who sent it to her, but asked me to post this:

Hi Guys & Gals,

I'm sending this to people I think might be interested. I apologize if you aren't or if you get this more than once.

There is a company looking at bringing an order of pears to distribute in this area. I don't have all the details, but I believe they are from Oregon, they are Bartlett's, will be about 65 cents a pound - depending on how large the order is - and delivered Aug. to Sept. You would need to be available - or find someone who is - to pick them up at a designated time and place.

They asked me to see if there is enough interest to add the Tri-Cities to their route. If you are interested please reply back to me with how many boxes you would intend to purchase. They are about 40 pounds each. I need to know by July 21st and orders and payment will need to be received by Aug. 1st if there are enough boxes ordered.

If we have enough interest then I will collect money - all boxes will be prepaid. Please pass this on to others you know in the area.


If you are interested, then please call Luetta as I don't have any contact info for this person. But who doesn't like pears??? Lol

Thursday, July 7, 2011

From Stake Humanitarian Leader.

I just got this email from Lynette Pierce and since we have been successful in the past with helping our sisters through the emails and this blog, I will post it here too.

"I received the following letter if anyone would like to help contact me & I will give you more information!

Hi, there is a sister in Kennewick who, at the advice of her bishop and stake president has separated from her husband and desperately needs a place to rent. Our place is now rented, so we can't help her. And she would like to live in the West Richland area just so her children don't have to have any more stress by changing schools, but she will move anywhere at this point. She has two children who will be living with her.

Perhaps you could send out an email with just a few words like - Needs to find a place to rent immediately - and then give her name and email.

She explained her situation to me and it's horribly sad."


Emergency Preparedness Activity

Sisters, I am so excited to tell you that on
Thursday, July 28th at 7pm
we will be meeting at Jan Barron's house to learn about some things we can do to get prepared for an emergency. Jan is amazing and her kits are fantastic. We hope to see you there!