Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Last Sat. Brunch was super fun!

Thanks to all those who attended the brunch at my (Sis Jacobs') house on Saturday. It was great to meet new people (and eat yummy food!) I didn't get any pics of the brunch to post- (something I will learn to do) ~but in the mean-time, did you know that if you make a cake mix (and mix it according to the directions on the box) and put it in a hot waffle iron- you can make cake waffles?!?! They come out a little more soft and spongy than regular waffles- but waaaaay sweeter (cuz they're cake-lol). You can really play around with flavors and such. Butter Pecan tastes like it has syrup already in it. (Note: Don't use Angel Food Cake unless you want to destroy your waffle iron). For toppings, you can use ice cream, fruit, frosting or icing, (and probably syrup if you really want to).

Have a great Day!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. The brunch was a lot of fun! It was great to get to know the sisters in the ward. Thanks, Tera, for sharing your beautiful home with us!
