Saturday, May 28, 2011

A special fast

Tomorrow, (sunday) if you are able, our ward and 3rd ward will hold a special fast for
two year old Clara Woodward and her family. She is the daughter of Brian and
Natasha Woodward and was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive childhood
cancer. She is in Spokane receiving radiation and chemotherapy.
Our prayers are a way we can spiritually comfort, love and support the Woodward family.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

RS Birthday Night!

We had a Fabulous time at our RS Birthday Dinner. In case you missed it, (or if you want to relive the fun) I posted some pics from that night (sorry it took so long, our hard- drive crashed and I am just now catching up on projects)

We are planning another super fun night. Keep June 9th open, Ladies!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cannery Cancelled.

We will not be going to the cannery on May 7th. Our date was cancelled due to some new shelving being added to the cannery. We will notify everyone when we do make another date to attend. Thanks!